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8 questionable club nights that could only happen in Ireland

We like to party. We like, we like to party…

LETTERKENNY CLUB Pulse is currently in hot water over its Shag A Ginger club night, with a local priest even going so far as to say it’s “insulting to red haired people”.


Timeline Photos - Pulse-Student Letterkenny | Facebook Source: Facebook/Pulse-Student

Pulse is not the first club to baffle people with an ‘interesting’ promotion – grim club nights are the hallmark of student clubs both at home and worldwide. Here are a few of our favourites.

1. A double appearance by Vogue Williams and Brian McFadden

What’s that old saying? “The couple who makes club appearances together, stays together”?

2. The Ah Here Leave It Out Lady appearing at D2

Avenue Thursday @ Dtwo - 22/11/12 - Like... - DtwoAvenue Thursdays | Facebook Source: Facebook/DTwo Avenue Thursdays

Back in the heady days of 2012, a video of a Dublin woman breaking up a fight by shouting “AH HERE, LEAVE IT OUT!” went massively viral.

Dublin nightclub DTwo capitalised on this by asking the woman herself, Ann Grimes, to make an appearance at the club. Mmf.

3. CSI: Gweedore

Timeline Photos - Shite Irish Club Nights | Facebook Source: Facebook/Shite Irish Night Clubs

“No gimmicks!” *proceeds to list gimmicks*

4. The one with a ‘real midget’

Timeline Photos - Shite Irish Club Nights | Facebook Source: Facebook/Shite Irish Club Nights

Where’s the PC brigade when you need them?

5. When a Drogheda nightclub got Hardwell and Calvin Harris*

Timeline Photos - Shite Irish Club Nights | Facebook Source: Facebook/Shite Irish Club Nights

*Tribute DJ sets. A DJ tribute set for two DJs. So, just playing their songs? OK.

7. The one with ‘sexy office girls’

Timeline Photos - Shite Irish Club Nights | Facebook Source: Facebook/Shite Irish Night Clubs

And the opportunity to win a cardboard cutout of Leonardo DiCaprio.

8. And the numerous club appearances by ‘Snapchat sensation’ Chelsea Ferguson

Ferguson made her name through risqué Snapchat stories and is now a fixture of Irish club nights – she told TheTab.com:

They don’t really have celebrities in Ireland, when I go over there people think I’m like David Beckham.

Honourablemention: Bounce By The Ounce

Source: stephen singleton/YouTube

You can’t really do a list of questionable club nights without including Bounce By The Ounce. This ‘promo’ video for a rave night in Preston went viral last year, and now we know where we’re going if we ever end up in the north west of England.

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